We’re passionate about helping you grow personally and professionally in order to create and cultivate a phenomenal lifestyle and work culture!

Hi, I’m Lily Gubbay.

I am a positive work culture consultant and personal and professional growth coach. I’m also a META Dynamics™ profiler and a Certified EDISC® consultant.

My background has been in Human Resources & Personnel Management for more than 13 years. I have personally experienced both the extreme negative impact of a toxic workplace culture as well as a positive and phenomenal workplace culture. I now make it my mission and passion project to help companies and businesses design and create phenomenal work environments by working with their most important resource - your people. Your business will only be profitable and successful when your people succeed at what they do.

We have gone through major changes the world has ever seen and our personal and professional lives have undergone profound effects way beyond our control. With my HR background I understand what companies and businesses are going through right now in engaging and retaining talents.

Our whole existence has been challenged and a lot of us are faced with changes we did not envisage. This calls for disruptive personal and professional transformation and businesses or organisational environments must be reassessed and adapt.

My long term passion is to create phenomenal lifestyles and positive workplace cultures across all types of businesses and help leaders and their teams create an engaging, profitable, collaborative, productive, and a more compassionate work environment.

Here’s the thing, each individual is a leader whether you know it or not and therefore must learn to lead yourself first in order to bring that quality into your own life and into the organisation you work in. If each person realises that they have an innate sense of personal integrity, resilience, discipline, honesty and accountability then the whole organisation, business, work culture and environment will flourish because you are!

Cultivating a positive work culture is an extension of who we are as a person. We bring our whole selves to the way we work, live and our interactions with the people around us whether at home or at work.

Today, more than ever, we have come to realise the importance of our own personal and professional growth, and the meaning beyond what we do. I am here to help you achieve that. Self awareness is the fundamental ingredient to our growth.

It’s no longer just about making profits but more about how we can leverage business success, professional growth and the impact we have on the environment around us.

If any of this resonates with you and you are looking for ways to grow personally and professionally or want to develop your team then I would love to share with you how our coaching, training and development packages can help you, your team, and your business achieve your important mission.

“Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.”

— Jim Rohn

I can help You.


Extended Disc Training

Measure your hard-wired behaviours and exclude the impact of the environment on your performance.

Disruptive Leadership

Discover the 4 Simple Steps to Creating a Winning Team

Ultimate Influence

Discover the Ultimate Consultative Sales Strategies to get to ‘Yes’.